
Volume-1, issue-1
October September-2024

Sr. No. Name of AuthorTitle of PaperPage No.View/Download
Cover Page / Index/Editorial i to iiiDownload
1Mr. Gokul S. Jadhav, Dr. Amit E. SonawaneImpact of Environmental, Health, and Economic Factors on Dairy Farmers' Poverty in Shevgaon Tehsil (Dist. Ahmednagar), Maharashtra 1-6Download
2Dr. N. Vinil KumarImpact of Green Products on the Health and Wellness of Consumers in India7-10Download
3Dr. Shaikh Irfan Shaikh Bashir,Dr. Ameenuddin Shamsuddin QaziLiteracy Rate in Rural Muslims of Jalgaon District of Maharashtra: A Geographical Study11-15Download
4Dr. Sukanta Das, Dr. Srabani BoseIndigenous Knowledge and Disaster Resilience: The Role of Toto Tribe’s Cultural Practices in India16-20Download
5Dr. Jagdish ChandThe Transformation of Geographic Thought: Cultural Landscapes and Structuralism in the 20th Century21-24Download